In every man's mailbox you can find a lot of junk mail about how to enlarge a penis without surgery. The rather aggressive advertising has led many to doubt the effectiveness of non-surgical methods. But in fact, even experienced experts can answer the question "whether it is possible to increase the penis without surgery". The most important thing is to choose a truly safe and proven method.
How to enlarge penis with exercise without surgery?

The tissues of the penis need to be exercised like any other muscle. Often, men who have sex frequently train their penile muscles very actively during erections. But if sexual intercourse is less than once a week, special exercises are necessary to induce natural penis growth without surgery.
First, you need to try to raise and lower the semi-erect penis consciously. You can wrap a light hand towel around the tip of your penis as long as the exercise doesn't require a lot of physical exertion. Over time, you can add special metal weights (but keep in mind that this type of unsurgical penis enlargement is considered potentially dangerous for erections).
If weight training can change the thickness and length of the penis, then manual traction is suitable for those who want to add two to three centimeters in length. It is very easy to enlarge the penis without surgery and other equipment. It is necessary to stand up as far as possible to stretch the unerect penis. It takes a few seconds to hold it in that position. You can also stretch the penis tissue up and down. Most importantly, there should be no pain during training.
How to increase penis without using special equipment?

Experts ask you to be careful during such activities and do not forget the safety rules. Excessive squeezing and stretching of the penis is prohibited to avoid injury.
Practice can only give results after 7 to 8 months (and even then, depending on daily performance).
If you want to speed up the process as much as possible, then you should invest in special additional equipment.
- How to use a vacuum pump to expand members without surgery. A vacuum pump works by increasing blood flow to the penis. Of course, the effect is temporary, but there are actually no side effects. The pump creates pressure, activating blood flow, which changes the length and thickness of the penis over a period of hours. Urologists recommend using a vacuum pump immediately before sexual intercourse or, for example, before taking a photo. However, it is important not to overdo it. If you use the pump too frequently and intensively, there is a risk of bruising, severe damage to blood vessels and decreased sensitivity of the head. In rare cases, blood clots may develop in the venous system. Usually, urologists do not recommend the use of pumps, but men often use this non-surgical penis enlargement because of the very quick and visible results.
- How to use an extender to enlarge a male penis without surgery. Unlike vacuum pumps that are designed to temporarily change the size of your penis, professional extenders allow you to lengthen your penis long-term. Extensions can be worn under clothing, which means you can get results faster than after a workout alone. Since it is very difficult to enlarge a penis at home without surgery, it is best to consult a urologist first. The specialist must also teach how to properly fit and wear the extender. Otherwise, a man may injure himself and further disrupt the function of his organs. But most importantly, when asked if it's possible to enlarge a penis without surgery, official medicine recommends using an extender. Numerous studies and men's own experience have proven real results in as little as six months.

Different brands of extenders vary slightly. But the mechanism of penis lengthening is exactly the same. The penis needs to be fixed between special rings, gradually increasing the tension. While wearing an extender, not only will the tissues of the penis be stretched, but the muscles will also be strengthened. To get results without side effects, you need to gradually increase the load. When pain occurs, the device should be removed immediately and rested for at least one day. Some manufacturers offer to enhance the process by heating the penis.
Knowing the definite answer to the question "is it possible to increase the penis without surgery", you must first consult a urologist and purchase special add-ons.